Best widgets for Mac {2024}

Best widgets for Mac since 2014. (Recall: OS X Yosemite) But the experience was unsatisfactory. Their limited flexibility and functionality meant that their widgets didn’t really make a difference. Hail to macOS and welcome to 2024.

If you still haven’t updated your Mac, please refer to this guide. You’re missing out on a lot. Do you know that you may alter your widgets in several ways? Anyone checked out third-party widgets? You might be complaining about having to spend too much time checking the battery level on Mac following an update. However, you can get a widget to do it for you. These are a few helpful and user-friendly Mac widgets I found.

Bigin by Zoho CRM

Best widgets for Mac {2024}

Begin by Zoho is a must-have CRM that delivers maximum outcomes with less effort. With the recent iOS version, Zoho built Begin, specifically for macOS, to better the user experience for its customers. Start handles most of your tasks, such as managing contacts, keeping track of tasks, organizing, scheduling, and carrying them out. The widget allows you to see tasks, calls, or events based on your preferences and store them in your notifications. I prefer a CRM to having separate widgets for projects, to-dos, calls, and so on, and Begin meets my needs well.

If you want a task-specific widget, get SmartTasks or Things 3.

Category: Productivity

Price: Free (Express, $8.99 per month)

Screen Time

Screen Time is a must-have widget for everyone. It allows you to track your screen time on particular applications, your total screen time, and more. I enjoy the UI, and all of the sizes are visually pleasing. For example, the little one displays a line graph of total hours spent, the medium displays a line graph with advertisements, and the giant one divides them further into categories. This is hands-down the finest widget for tracking your screen time and activities.

Category: Productivity

Default Installed on Mac


Best widgets for Mac {2024}

This third-party software keeps track of your hydration and displays how much water you’ve drunk throughout the day. This widget comes with a few visual representations. Thus, it offers multiple images designed to quench your thirst (pun intended!) It is available in tiny, medium, and big sizes, and each version is incredibly imaginative. Install it today and contribute to healthy life. It’s helpful to have someone remind you of your water consumption at regular intervals.

Category: Health & fitness

Price: $2.99

AirBuddy 2

Most customers were surprised to see that Apple did not create a battery widget for the Mac when one is accessible for iPhone. I guess Macs were not fully iPhonified. If you are an enthusiastic Apple user, you know how tough it is to track battery use across many devices, and AirBuddy 2 covers that gap. The widget looks exactly like the one on your iPhone and keeps you up to current on the battery state of AirPods, AirPods cases, AirPods Max, and your device. I frequently forget I have them turned on, and it’s time to charge them. Thank you, AirBuddy, for being a savior.

Category: Utility

Price: $9.99

MindNode – Mind Map

Best widgets for Mac {2024}

Everyone approaches day planning differently. Some people like to view their schedule in bullet points (download Things 3 or the Good Task app). My mindmaps were not working properly in Safari. I needed them to work. MindNode widget makes it easier to pin it under the Notifications tab so that it’s always in my face.

The small widget displays a thumbnail with a link to your most important mind map. The medium-sized widget adds a second mind map, buttons for a brand new mindmap or buttons that start a mind map. It will only show the mind maps you’ve recently accessed if you don’t pin them.

Category: Productivity

Price: Free (Monthly Subscription $2.49 )

Exchange Rates 3

This is an essential tool for marketers, business professionals, and those who trade E-Commerce. This is a currency converter program that supports all major world currencies, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. Currency rates change automatically, allowing you to select your preferred currency and view real-time conversion rates. It also works offline, so you don’t always need an active Internet connection. It is easy to use and has a straightforward UI. You should be aware that Exchange Rates 3 is a rate monitoring program, not a currency trading tool.

Category: Finance

Price: $2.99

CardPointers for Credit Cards

Best widgets for Mac {2024}

Creditpointers is a money-saving tool that helps consumers find bargains online. It offers four widget customization options: available offers, best card to use, best cards by category, and card summary. All four customisation options are available in small and medium sizes. Choose the option that best meets your needs, and be sure to check things out before using that credit card. This has saved me money and time by eliminating the need to constantly investigate which of my cards to use for particular reason.

Category: Finance

Price: free (monthly plan $3.99)

LookUp – English Dictionary

LookUp is an excellent tool that functions as an online dictionary, allowing you to uncover definitions for unfamiliar terms. The widget is simple to use; it displays the Word of the Day in text and may occasionally display an image from the app’s illustration library. When you click on the widget, you may read the word’s definition as well as other information such as synonyms, usage, adjective forms, and so on. I like having this widget on my computer since it displays a new word, frees up space for me to study new terms, and helps me improve my language skills. If you haven’t already tried it, you should!

Category: Reference

Price: $9.99

Parcel – Delivery Tracking

Best widgets for Mac {2024}

This program allows you to view tracking information for over 300 delivery providers, including Royal Mail, DPD, Parcelforce, Hermes, TNT, FedEx, and others. To monitor your package, add this widget to your alerts; you may also track many packages at once. The nicest thing about having this widget is that it stores monitoring data on its servers while also notifying you on your iOS and Mac devices. It also has Push Notifications; allow these to avoid worrying about monitoring your deliveries. Because I order the majority of my items online, it keeps me informed about what to get and when to expect my deliveries.

Category: Utility

Price: Free (premium subscription costs $2.99)

I’ve grown adjusted to Cardpointers and Begin. They undoubtedly top the list for me. Which widgets do you like for macOS? Tell us in the space provided for comments below.

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